County Fair Spotlight #5 Bode B. is a Sophomore at Iowa-Grant High School. He has been an active member of the Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter for 2 years and a member of the Red Barn 4-H Club for 6 years. Bode exhibited a Holstein Dairy Steer at the Iowa County Fair named Shoresy. His steer placed first in his class. Bode also exhibited his duck named Big Foot, which received second place. Bode's favorite parts about the fair is trying new fair foods. Bode would like to thank Fillback Ford for the purchase of his steer at the Iowa County Fair. Keep up the GREAT WORK, Bode!
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
9/13/22 Results from the cross country meet at North Crawford last night. Girls Hope C. 1st place Meagan C. 14th place Rylee S. 24th place Boys Mason A. 3rd place Caden P. 4th place Bret C. 5th place Will F. 7th place Owen L. 13th place Noah L. 17th place C.J. S. 32nd place. Great job to ALL Runners. The Goat Hill in North Crawford is one of the most difficult courses of the season! Congratulations to the boys for bringing home yet another 1st place team finish. This marks the fourth 1st place team finish this season. Remarkable! Keep it going. Full results: Next Race: Thursday Night Run @ Boscobel 7:00p
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
9/13/22- TONIGHT!! Volleyball- Southwestern @ IG JV/Frosh 5:45🏐🏐🏐 Varsity 7:15p🏐🏐🏐 Live Stream: Also… 4:00p Race!! Cross Country IG @ North Crawford. Time to dominate the goat hill! 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 Go Panthers!!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Order your yearbook today! Go to to place an order. Order forms are also available in the high school office.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Rosemeyer
County Fair Spotlight #4 Kaycee L. is a Sophomore at Iowa-Grant High School. She has been active in the Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter for 2 years and a member of the Rewey Lucky Stars 4-H Club for 9 years. Kaycee exhibited her Angus Steer named Scully this year at the Iowa County Fair. Her steer weighed in at 1,375 pounds. Her steer placed second in the Angus Steer class. Kaycee participated in showmanship and received CHAMPION Intermediate Showman. Kaycee's favorite part about showing at the fair is participating in showmanship because you are being judged on the performance of the exhibitor and not the quality of the animal. Kaycee would like to thank ET Transport for purchasing her animal at the Iowa County Fair Auction. She would also like to thanks the contending bidder, Corey Kirschbaum with KLC Livestock. Kaycee - CONGRATULATIONS on all of your accomplishments!
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Consider becoming an IOWA-GRANT SCHOOL BUS DRIVER...
over 2 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Consider becoming an IOWA-GRANT SCHOOL BUS DRIVER...
Consider becoming am IOWA-GRANT SCHOOL BUS DRIVER....
over 2 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Consider becoming an IG School Bus Driver...
County Fair Spotlight #3 Makaya M. is a Junior at Iowa-Grant High School. She has been an active FFA member for 3 years and a member of the Rewey Lucky Stars 4-H Club for 8 years. Makaya exhibited cutout cookies, three ears of field corn, and swine in class 8 this year at the Iowa County Fair. Her pig's name was Waffles. Makaya placed 3rd in her class. She says, "My favorite part of showing at the fair was getting my pig prepared for the show." She would like to thank Nutrien Ag Solutions for purchasing her pig at the Iowa County Fair and also thank the contending bidders. Makaya would like to thank her parents for supporting her and providing her an opportunity to exhibit at the fair each year. GREAT WORK, Makaya!
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
County Fair Spotlight #2 Ella P. is a Sophomore at Iowa-Grant High School. She has been an active FFA member for 2 years and a member of the Kountry Kousins 4-H Club for 7 years. Ella exhibited 9 head of dairy cattle at the Iowa County Fair including a Brown Swiss Fall Calf (Witchcraft), Jersey Fall Calf (Bratty Belle), Holstein Spring Calf (Dominique), Jersey Spring Calf (Petra), Jersey Winter Yearling (Presley), Jersey Spring Yearling (Blueberry), 6 year old Jersey Dry Cow (Beauty), Jersey Aged Cow (Penelope), Holstein Junior 2 Year Old (Domino). Ella placed 4th out of 12 in Showmanship. Ella also participated in the All Breeds Futurity Show placing in the middle of the class. Ella exhibited 5 chickens at the fair, and her Polish Rooster in the Continental Class got CHAMPION! She also placed first in Senior Poultry Showmanship. Ella says, "My favorite part about showing is getting to be with my cattle for the whole weekend!" Ella would like to thank Angie and Tom Hermsen for letting her show their cattle, and thank Angie Hermsen and Wesley Winch for fitting the cattle and helping with barn duty all weekend. Congratulations, ELLA!
over 2 years ago, Lara Hammerly
County Fair Spotlight #1 Evie W. is a Senior at Iowa-Grant High School. She has been an active FFA member for 4 years and a member of the Red Barn 4-H Club for 6 years. Evie exhibited a Holstein Dairy Steer named Crouton at the Iowa County Fair. She place 2nd in her class and placed 5th overall. Evie says, "My favorite part about showing at the fair is seeing the progress of my animal from calf to show ready. I get to see first hand all the hours I put in pay off when I am exhibiting my animal." Evie would like to thank Fillback Ford for purchasing her steer at the Iowa County Fair. She would also like to thank Stuart and Meghan Brokopp and Family for allowing her the opportunity to show a steer and teaching her along the way. Great Work, Evie!
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Iowa-Grant students are enjoying fresh vegetable toppings on their salads at lunch. The cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers are picked fresh throughout the week from the Iowa-Grant FFA Community Garden!
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
9/10/22 TODAY!! Another IG Cross Country 1st place @ River Valley!! Most Excellent!!! This is the third 1st place finish our IG boys have received this year!! Congratulations to ALL runners!! Full Results:
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
9/9/22 Varsity Football- Hillsboro @ IG Live Stream: Go Panthers!!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Support you IG Booster Club!!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
2023 Forensic Dates: 2/13/23 - Sub-District @ Fennimore (snow date - 2/20/23) SWAL - TBD Usually 1st Monday in March (3/6/23) 3/18/23 - District @ UW- Platteville 4/16/23 - Forensics Showcase IGHS IMC 4/21/23-4/22/23 State @ UW Madison Any questions contact Mr. Clausius or Mr. Gotto in high school office!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Thursday 9/8/22 JV/Varsity Volleyball- IG @ Boscobel 5:45/7:15p Live Stream: Freshman match 9/8/22 IG @ Boscobel has been cancelled due to the lack of Boscobel players. Thursday 9/8/22 Freshman will be playing at Belmont. 6:15p start time. Freshman VBALL game will be played in Belmont Middle School gym! Go Panthers!!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Auditions for this year's musical start today! Don't miss out on your chance to be a part of Freaky Friday! Stop by the High School Choir Room today or tomorrow after school to audition.
over 2 years ago, Brian Zwick
Freaky Friday
Attention all IGEMS families. Does your student eat breakfast at school? Please drop them off by 7:45am so they have enough time to check in with their teacher and eat before 8am.
over 2 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant