Enjoy the September edition of the Panther Press!!📕🐾 https://www.smore.com/618cn

Great Steak Night!!

Iowa-Grant XC is Most Excellent in Boscobel last night!!
Hope C. gets first place for the girls!!
Caden P. , Mason A., and Bret C. run in the top 10. Will F. top 15 and Owen L. top 20.
That means the boys get first place as a team again!!!!
They are bodacious in Boscobel!!
Congratulations to IG XC again!
Keep rolling!! What a start to the season!
Full results:

IGXC Rocks!!
Good luck tonight in Boscobel!!
Race time: 4:30p!!

The kinder crew welcomes you, back to school! We hope everyone has a fantastic school year.

REMINDER - IGHS Picture Day is Tuesday, September 6th. It will also be an additional picture day for IGEMS students.

Are you looking for IG yearbook ordering information? Please click the link below to be added to a Jostens mailing list. You will receive an email when IG yearbooks are available for pre-order. Deadline is September. 16th, 2022.

REMINDER - IGHS Picture Day is Tuesday, September 6th. It will also be an additional picture day for IGEMS students.

Congratulations to the IG Varsity Football team and coaches on their 34-6 win Vs. Boscobel last night.
Way to bounce back and get the Week 3 "W"!! If you keep fighting like a contender, you will be a champion!!
You can watch the recent home game On Demand or live on the link below!!

9/3/22 Darlington High School Cross Country Invitational
There is some bodacious IG running results today!! Most Excellent!!
Congratulations IG runners!! #IGPantherPride
Boys Results:
4th Place- Caden P.
6th Place- Mason A.
7th Place- Bret C.
12th Place- Will F.
25th Place- Owen L.
Boys finished 1st Place as a team!!!!
Girls Results:
3rd Place- Hope C.
Keep it up runners!!
Darlington Invitational Full Results: http://www.accuracetiming.com/schedule.html

Iowa-Grant teachers had their Community Service Day yesterday!
Mr. Allen and Mr. Clausius went around to IG retirees to assist with lawn work!
It was great day to listen to great IG stories as well!!

Ridge & Valley Conference Opener:
Varsity Football
Boscobel @ Iowa-Grant
Go Panthers!!
Live Stream:

High School Volleyball Live Stream!!
IG @ Riverdale 5:45p/7:15p
Go Panthers!!

Are you ready for the first day of school? The chicken coop received a deep cleaning this morning and they are excited to see the students back tomorrow!

8/30/22 Volleyball TONIGHT!!
Mineral Point @ Iowa-Grant
5:45p JV/Frosh
7:15p Varsity
Live Stream:

Congratulations to the IG runners on a great first race of the season!
Iowa-Grant Varsity Cross Country Invitational
Girls Results:
3rd Place- Hope C.
27th Place- Meagan C.
Boys Results:
4th Place- Caden P.
5th Place- Bret C.
8th Place- Mason A.
9th Place- Will F.
18th Place- Owen L.
Boys finished 2nd Place as a team.
To view full results:
Next CC race:
9/3/22- Darlington Invitational 8:45am
Darlington Cross Country Invite Details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ioeni7895p2Af6_m8bXoYSxdiD80KA9dYtngwaB49ek/edit?usp=sharing

Iowa-Grant High School Invitational
Race Schedule:
8:00 – Course Open For Warm-Ups
9:00 - Girls combined
9:45 - Boys combined
10:30 - Awards
We hope to see you there!!!
Go Panthers!!

Varsity Football game has been moved up an hour this Friday night.
Iowa-Grant @ New Lisbon- 6:00p start time!
Go Panthers!!

Reminder - IGHS Picture Day will be held on Tuesday, September 6th during the day.

Reminder! 5th-8th Grade students and families meet with Mrs. Gallagher at 7pm tonight in the IGEMS GYM.