The Iowa Grant High-school Cheerleading Squad Co-Hosted a tumbling and stunting camp with Mustang Rec Cheer. This organization is called Central Wisconsin Cheer Camp. CWCC is coached and founded by Susan Poeschl of Wisconsin Rapids. She has been running camps for cheerleaders in Wisconsin for over 38 years. The staff is made up of professional cheerleaders that teach your team new cheers, dances, stunts, tumbling, jumps and so much more! Our IG girls learned various new stunts, kicks and a little more tumbling. We want to thank IGEMS for letting us use the gym, the wrestling department for using the mats as well as all the staff who helped with making sure we had the cafeteria set up for lunch!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Due to unforeseen circumstances Jostens will have to reschedule IGHS picture retakes scheduled for 9/30/22. We will share more information when Jostens schedules a new date.
over 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
9/29/22 CC @ Kickapoo! Another race, Another race on top! Congratulations IG Cross Country Enjoy the ride! Full results:
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
IGHS Picture Retake Day is tomorrow - Friday, September 30th.
over 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
IGHS Picture Retake Day
Art Club Spotlight. Check out last weeks watercolor Fall Trucks and Pumpkins from students in grades 4th, 5th and 6th.
over 2 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
Art Club
Art Club
Art Club
Art Club
Join in on the homecoming festivities next week!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Rosemeyer
Get entered into the homecoming parade today!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Rosemeyer
Football - IG @ Riverdale 7:00p Live Streaming: Go Panthers!!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Consider becoming an IOWA-GRANT SCHOOL BUS DRIVER...
over 2 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Consider becoming an IOWA-GRANT SCHOOL BUS DRIVER...
The Iowa-Grant Middle School started our community service groups today. Students in grades 5th through 8th gave up their recess time to help make IG beautiful by pulling weeds at the high school around the flag pole and school sign. This group will be meeting weekly to make a difference around our school and our community.
over 2 years ago, Darcy Breuer
Middle school students pulling weeds
Middle school students pulling weeds
Middle school students pulling weeds
Middle school students pulling weeds
The Panther Packs Program is up and running and we will be helping over 25 students make sure they have healthy food to eat on the weekends. If you are interested in donating to help keep the program running we are in need of cups of fruit, individually packaged meals such as chef boyardee and mac and cheese packets, individual cereal boxes, and healthy snacks such as granola bars, fruit snacks, and crackers. Thank you for your generosity in helping our Panther families!
over 2 years ago, Darcy Breuer
Students in 5th through 8th grade are being given the opportunity to meet during their recess times on Fridays to serve their school and community. They will be doing weeding around the school, making animal toys for the local humane societies, making homemade jump ropes to include in Operational Christmas Child boxes, and making fleece blankets to donate to the hospitals or homeless shelters. In order to complete the projects planned we are in need donations of fleece (2-2 1/2 yards), ribbons, bells, and used t-shirts (no pictures or words work best) to cut up for the jump ropes. Thank you for supporting our middle school service groups!
over 2 years ago, Darcy Breuer
9/15/22 Results from the cross country meet at Boscobel night run last night. Girls Hope C. 6th place Boys Mason A. 3rd place Caden P. 4th place Bret C. 5th place Owen L. 14th place Will F. 22nd place Great job to ALL Runners. 👏👏👏👏👏 Congratulations to the boys for bringing home yet another 1st place team finish. This marks the fifth 1st place team finish this season. Statewide Relevant?….I think so!! What a crazy fun season! Keep it up! Full results: schedule.html
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
What a great way to start the day! Weight Lifting and breakfast!
over 2 years ago, Barb Hugill
IG High School Breakfast
IG High School Breakfast
Meeting date change. PTC will be meeting Sept 26th at 6pm in room 333 of IGEMS.
over 2 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
County Fair Spotlight #8 Morgan W. is a Junior at Iowa-Grant High School. She is a first year member of the Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter and has been a member of the Rewey Lucky Stars 4-H since she was in elementary school. Morgan stays busy at the Iowa County Fair by exhibiting many projects such as photography, childcare, drawing and painting, baking, sheep, chickens, and rabbits. Her market lamb named Aspen was 3rd in his class. In sheep Showmanship, Morgan placed 3rd in her division. Morgan exhibited 4 chickens all receiving 2nd or 3rd placings. In rabbits, Morgan's mini lop, Athena, received a 2nd and her cinnamon, Mocha, got 1st place and Best of Breed! She also exhibited her rabbit named Toffee in the pet class and received 3rd. Morgan's favorite part about showing at the fair are the lessons she has learned and experiences she has had. Morgan would like to thank Gardiner Appraisal Services for buying her lamb at the Iowa County Fair. Keep up the GREAT WORK, Morgan!
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
9/15/22 TONIGHT!! Volleyball JV and Frosh 5:45p/Varsity 7:15p - Cuba City @ IG Live Stream: Cross Country TONIGHT!! IG @ Boscobel Night Fun Run 7:00p GO PANTHERS!!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
County Fair Spotlight #7 Alexis is a Senior at Iowa-Grant High School. She has been an active FFA member for 4 years and an 8 year member of the Dairyland Diamonds 4-H Club. Alexis says, "At the Grant county fair, I exhibited photography as well as 3 Brown Swiss heifers and 2 Brown Swiss cows. My fall calf, Flora, and summer yearling, Moose, won their classes and Sol, my spring yearling, was second. Moose then went on to be named Junior Champion Brown Swiss, and Flora was Honorable Mention. My Aged cow, Magic, and my 2 year old, Skyla, were Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion. Magic was also named Supreme Champion Cow of the entire show! I also had the privilege of winning a very competitive senior showmanship and qualified for Master Showmanship. In the Master Showmanship contest, I learned so much, strengthened so many friendships, and placed 3rd Overall! I’m so thankful for such a successful fair and all of the memories I made!" Alexis' favorite parts about showing is encouraging the younger generation of showmen as well as seeing her own hard work pay off. Alexis would like to thank her Dad for the endless support that he has given her in helping her pursue her passion. None of her success would be possible without him. CONGRATULATIONS, Alexis!
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
County Fair Spotlight #6 Baylee L. is a Sophomore at Iowa-Grant High School. She has been an active FFA member for 2 years and a member of the Rewey Lucky Stars for 5 years. Baylee showed a holstein dairy steer and pig at the Iowa County Fair. Her steer got Champion Home Born and Raised Dairy Steer. Her barrow got 2nd in her weight class and earned 3rd Overall Lightweight Barrow. Baylee says, "My favorite part about showing at the fair is working on my animals all summer and watching them grow. I also love getting to make memories with the people at the fair." She would like to thank Ritchie's Implement, Inc for purchasing her steer at the Iowa County Fair and Cedar Direct, LLC for being the contending bidder. GREAT JOB, Baylee!
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
The Iowa-Grant FFA Clothing Order is LIVE!! Deadline: Sunday, September 18, 2022 (11:59 PM CDT)
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA