10/8/22 Cross Country Results @ Albany
This was the last regular season event. What a year!!
Hope C. - 8th place
Mason A.- 3rd place
Brett C.- 6th place
Caden P.- 7th place
Owen L.- 25th place
Will F. - 26th place
Full results:
Boys finished another first place today! Most Excellent!!
Full results:
10/13/22- Next meet- Thursday Conference Meet @ Fennimore- 4:00p.

Homecoming Trivia - Day 5 Results
Trivia 18- What is the maximum length that a spike can be in a cross country racing shoe?
Answer: 1/2 inch
Winner: Jonah W.
Trivia 19- What was the boys basketball head coaches name that won the last conference championship?
Answer: Toby Tripalin
Winner: Adriana J.
Trivia 20 - When was the last time Iowa-Grant Boys Cross Country won the SWAL Conference Meet? (We are hoping for the next in 2022!)
Answer: 2000
Winner: Will F.

10/7/22 Tonight!!
Homecoming Football
Ithaca @ IG 7:00p
Best of luck to our Panthers vs the Bulldogs!!
Parents night 6:40p with senior recognition to follow.
Go Panthers!
Live stream:

Homecoming Trivia- Day 4 Results
Trivia 13- How many paid staff members are at IGEMS and HS?
Answer: 114
Winner: Jeran R.
Trivia 14- How many state champion wrestlers does IG have?
Answer: 14
Winner: Hope C.
Trivia 15- How many times have the Panthers won Conference MVP or Player of the Year in volleyball?
Winner: Amiah F.
Trivia 16- What IG baseball player has the most wins on the mound?
Answer: Kyle Spurley (9)
Winner: Lillian W.
Trivia- 17 What place did 2021 graduate Nick Connolly get at the 2020 State Cross Country Meet?
Answer: 3rd place
Winner: Ivy L.

Tonight 10/6/22 Volleyball
IG @ Fennimore
JV/Frosh 5:45/7:15p Varsity

Iowa-Grant Homecoming Parade - Friday, October 7th at 1:15 PM. GO PANTHERS!

Homecoming Trivia- Day 3 Results
Trivia 9- How many total pine trees are planted on the IG school grounds?
Answer: 438…Thanks Todd Prohaska for your hard work getting this answer.
Winner: Nina B.
Trivia 10- In the official school song “Across The Field”. How many words are in the song?
Answer: 52
Winner: Bronson M.
Trivia 11 - How many times has Mr. Gotto worn the full Panther mascot?
Answer: Only One! Back in 2020…We can’t wait for time #2.
Winner: NO ONE WON with only two guesses…A lot of great guesses though!
Trivia 12-Name a teacher currently in the IG School District who was a part of the 1989 state volleyball tournament team?
Answer: Mrs. Kris Liddicoat
Winner: CJ S.

The Iowa-Grant Bowling club would like to congratulate all the youth bowlers that received scholarships for their achievements at the Wisconsin State Youth Bowling Tournament.
Cade K., Robbie D., Skyler R., Aiden F., and Zoe R. all placed in either singles, doubles or the team event in their respective divisions.
Congratulations to all of them!

Homecoming Trivia - Day 2 Results
Trivia 5- In which area of the school was the old auditorium located?
Answer: IMC/gymnasium storage.
Trivia 6- In what year did the Milk Can game originate for football?
ANSWER: 1970
WINNER: Rachel R.
Trivia 7- What volume is the yearbook this year?
ANSWER: Volume 63
WINNER: Jayden B.
Trivia 8- What year was the Iowa-Grant School District formed?
ANSWER: 1958
Winner: Jonah H.

TONIGHT 10/4/22
IG Volleyball- Boscobel @ IG
Freshman 4:45p
JV 5:45p
Varsity 7:15p
Live Stream:

Four Iowa-Grant FFA Officers attended the Section 4 Fall Leadership Workshop hosted by the Lancaster FFA Chapter on Monday, October 3. Carter R., Bekka S., Kaycee L., and Evie W. got to meet with FFA officers and members in our section to learn new ideas and leadership skills that they can bring back to the Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter.

The Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter participated at the River Ridge Dairy and Livestock Judging Contest on September 23.
The Dairy Judging Team consisted of Elyse L., Julia S., Ella P., and Alexis TB. The dairy team placed 2nd at the contest out of 24 teams. Ella and Julia tied for 6th individual and Alexis placed 9th individually out of 100 students.
The Livestock Judging Team consisted of Bode B., Baylee L., Natalie S., and Skyler R. The livestock team place 5th overall out of 32 teams. Bode was the top scorer on the team placing 11th individually out of 124 students.
Great work to all!

Homecoming Trivia - Day 1 Results
Each day during IG Homecoming Week, students had the opportunity to answer questions pertaining to Iowa-Grant. The fastest student to respond with the correct answers won a Homecoming prize!
Trivia 1- The IG Football team is in a new conference this year. What conference are they in?
Answer: Ridge and Valley Conference
Winner: Elyse L.
Trivia 2- How many yards is the width of the IG Football Field?
Answer: 53 and a ⅓ yards
Winner: Hunter L.
Trivia 3- What year was the Iowa-Grant FFA Chartered?
ANSWER: 1960
WINNER: Bekka S.
Trivia 4- How many chickens are in the Iowa-Grant FFA Chicken Coop?
Answer: 18
WINNER: Alexis G-G

Parent/Teacher Conferences are the week of October 10th! Please sign-up for all conferences via PTCFast. If you have any questions, please contact your child's school office. https://ptcfast.com/schools/IGSD

The Iowa-Grant Family and Community Town Supper is October 19th. For more details and registration information visit https://5il.co/1ircu

IG Cross Country results @ Platteville CC Invite
5th- Hope C.
4th - Mason A.
5th- Bret C.
7th- Caden P.
11th- Owen L.
14th- Will F.
Boys finished 1st as a team in small school race. This is 8 of 9 races where IG Boys won the team event.
Go Panthers!
Full results:

The English department took students to American Players Theater in Spring Green today to see Love's Labour's Lost. The show was amazing and the weather was perfect. Students enjoyed visiting the theater and seeing Shakespeare's play brought to life.

The October edition of IGSD's Panther Press is now online. Enjoy!🐾

Middle school community service groups took advantage of the beautiful weather to help keep our school clean by picking up trash around the football field and both buildings.