The weather is warming up! Time to get those summer flowers. Fri. 5/6/22 2:00 - 6:30 PM Sat. 5/7/22 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Sun. 5/8/22 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Mon. 5/9/22 thru Thurs. 5/12/22 3:30 - 6:30 PM Fri. 5/13/22 2:00 - 6:30 PM More dates and times to come depending on inventory!! Inventory:
almost 3 years ago, Lara Hammerly
Join Us May 11th for a Night of Fine Arts at our High School. 5:00 pm - Fine Arts featuring our 7th - 12th Grade Students' Art Work 6:30 pm - Dedication of the High School Art Room in honor of Artist Bruce Howdle Former IG Alumnus 7:00 pm - High School Band and Choir Concert
almost 3 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Join Us for a Night filled with Fine Arts at IGHS!
Congratulations to the following kids who participated in State Solo & Ensemble last Saturday! Silver medals went to Ella W. & Caitlyn W. for their duet, Alexis T.-B. for her solo, and both Teris B. and Ella W.'s musical theatre pieces. Gold medals went to Ivy L. for their musical theatre solo, Ivy L. & Teris B. for a vocal duet, Ella W. for a soprano solo, and Kenadie M. for a bari sax solo! Congratulations, musicians!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Gile
Ivy & Teris
A circle of friends celebrating the sunshine!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Mayne Kindergarten
A HUGE thank You to Royal Bank for their generous gift of popcorn for our staff today!
almost 3 years ago, Alisha Martin
Royal Bank
Royal Bank
The IG Anatomy and Physiology classes want to thank UW-Platteville for giving us a Cadaver Lab Tour once again. Thank you so much to our instructors Emily, Leslie, and Dr. Rich. It was an unforgettable experience!
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
Students in front of UW-Platteville science building.
A BIG thank you to Community First Bank for the delicious subs for our staff today!
almost 3 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
The May Edition of the Panther Press can be viewed at
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
Join Us May 11th for a Night of Fine Arts at our High School. 5:00 pm - Fine Arts featuring our 7th - 12th Grade Students' Art Work 6:30 pm - Dedication of the High School Art Room in honor of Artist Bruce Howdle Former IG Alumnus 7:00 pm - High School Band and Choir Concert
almost 3 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Join Us for a Night filled with Fine Arts at IGHS!
Egg-citing things are happening in Kindergarten! We learned about the chicken life cycle, oviparous animals and much more. And after waiting patiently for 21 days, the chicks are hatching! Thank you to the Volenec family for donating the eggs!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Mayne Kindergarten
Even More Pictures… Iowa-Grant High School Students in 2nd Semester, Mr. Allen and Mr. Clausius' physical education classes, experienced traditional Native Youth Olympic games. The NYO games originated from northern Canada, state of Alaska, and across the large country of Russia. The I-G students participated and competed in fun and healthy competition in each event. The events ranged from One-Foot High Kick, Two-Foot High Kick, One-Hand Reach, Alaskan High Kick, Scissor Broad Jump, Seal Hop, and the Eskimo Stick Pull. Great Job Panthers!!
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
More pictures… Iowa-Grant High School Students in 2nd Semester, Mr. Allen and Mr. Clausius' physical education classes, experienced traditional Native Youth Olympic games. The NYO games originated from northern Canada, state of Alaska, and across the large country of Russia. The I-G students participated and competed in fun and healthy competition in each event. The events ranged from One-Foot High Kick, Two-Foot High Kick, One-Hand Reach, Alaskan High Kick, Scissor Broad Jump, Seal Hop, and the Eskimo Stick Pull. Great Job Panthers!!
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
Iowa-Grant High School Students in 2nd Semester, Mr. Allen and Mr. Clausius' physical education classes, experienced traditional Native Youth Olympic games. The NYO games originated from northern Canada, state of Alaska, and across the large country of Russia. The I-G students participated and competed in fun and healthy competition in each event. The events ranged from One-Foot High Kick, Two-Foot High Kick, One-Hand Reach, Alaskan High Kick, Scissor Broad Jump, Seal Hop, and the Eskimo Stick Pull. Great Job Panthers!!
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
Join Us May 11th for a Night of Fine Arts at our High School. 5:00 pm - Fine Arts featuring our 7th - 12th Grade Students' Art Work 6:30 pm - Dedication of the High School Art Room in honor of Artist Bruce Howdle Former IG Alumnus 7:00 pm - High School Band and Choir Concert
almost 3 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Join Us for a Night filled with Fine Arts at IGHS!
On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, Iowa-Grant High School seniors attended the annual Southwest Wisconsin Interactive Financial Literacy Event (SWIFLE) at the Memorial Building in Fennimore, WI hosted by twelve area school districts and staffed with area community business leader volunteers. SWIFLE is an interactive hands-on experience for high school students designed to demonstrate the importance of sound money management skills. SWIFLE provides an opportunity for students to connect with community business representatives in an authentic situation where students test their budgeting skills. Based on their chosen career and randomly drawn marital status and family, students are asked to make a month’s worth of financial decisions, make deposits, make payments, and balance their accounts. Students make consumer choices about housing, transportation, insurance, retirement investments, credit cards, childcare, phone, internet, cable, gas, electricity, water, groceries, gasoline, clothing, personal items, household items, pets, entertainment, and recreational vehicles based upon the monthly pay earned from their chosen career. Students have a great time interacting with and learning from professionals with expertise in the field. Thank you to all of our volunteers for making SWIFLE a great experience for our Iowa-Grant students!
almost 3 years ago, Stacey Gardiner
2022-2023 Iowa-Grant Track and Field Pictures Please click on the web link below!
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
4/26/22 Top 3 winners in Cassville/Potosi Track and Field Invite Boys 100 meter dash- 1st place- Skyler A. Boys 200 meter dash-1st place- Skyler A. Boys 400 meter dash- 1st place- Owen L and 2nd place Skyler A. Boys 800 meter run- 3rd place- Mason A. Boys 1600 meter run- 1st place- Caden P. and 2nd place- Mason A. Boys 3200 meter run- 1st place Mason A. and 2nd place Caden P. Boys 110 meter hurdles- 1st place- Davin M. and 3rd place- Matthew G. Boys 300 meter hurdles- 1st place- Owen L. and 2nd place- Davin M. Boys 4 x 100 meter relay- 3rd place- Matthew G., Ashton J., Deandre P., and Jeran R. Boys 4 x 200 meter relay- 3rd place- Harrison W., Ashton J., Deandre P., and Jeran R. Boys 4 x 400 meter relay- 3rd place- Owen L., Matthew G., Davin M., and Harrison W. Boys 4 x 800 meter relay- Bryce D., Kaleb W., Dru D., and Blake R. Boys Long Jump- 1st place- Skyler A. Boys finished 2nd as a team. Girls 100 meter dash - 3rd place- Amiah F. Girls 400 meter dash- 3rd place- Meagan C. Girls 800 meter run- 1st place- Hope C. Girls 1600 meter run- 1st place- Hope C. Girls 3200 meter run- 2nd place- Ella W. Girls 4 x 200 meter relay- 3rd place- Judit O., Ella P., Katie R., and Arleth G. Girls 4 x 400 meter relay- 3rd place- Elizabeth V, Amiah F, Ella Z, and Hope C Girls 4 x 800 meter relay- 1st place- Hope C, Ella P, Judit O, Meagan C Girls High Jump- 2nd place- Flora G. Girls Discus Throw- 2nd place- Yessica G. Girls finished in 3rd as a team. All results can be found on:
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
IG logo
Join Us May 11th for a Night of Fine Arts at our High School. 5:00 pm - Fine Arts featuring our 7th - 12th Grade Students' Art Work 6:30 pm - Dedication of the High School Art Room in honor of Artist Bruce Howdle Former IG Alumnus 7:00 pm - Middle and High School Band and Choir Concert
almost 3 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Join Us for a Night filled with Fine Arts at IGHS!
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks