It's a Great Day to Be a Panther! Join Our Team!

The Greenhouse is OPEN TODAY!
Inventory: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11RS5npxGqndWJhpUyfYUY1cW3hD5mY3Onwni8LtkdVg/edit?usp=sharing

Friday night's Special Board Meeting Agenda can be viewed at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kj6b3TwNQmqHZe7XjnwguOKiCOGdbVjXnLoLGBgCatM/edit?usp=sharing

Healthy Panther Sunscreen Reminder!

One more day! Don't miss out on these good books at great prices. Everything is Buy One, Get One FREE! The fair will be open Friday, May 13th from 7:45-11 a.m. for students to purchase books. A great way to stock up for summer reading!

WIAA 2022 Varsity Softball Seeding was complete yesterday!!
Division 4 Sectional 4
First Round WIAA Playoffs-
May 24th, 2022- #6 Fennimore will be @ #3 Iowa-Grant
Go Panthers!!
WIAA Softball Brackets:

Mon. 5/9/22 thru Thurs. 5/12/22 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Fri. 5/13/22 2:00 - 6:30 PM
More dates and times to come depending on inventory!!
Inventory: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11RS5npxGqndWJhpUyfYUY1cW3hD5mY3Onwni8LtkdVg/edit?usp=sharing

Thursday night's Special Board Meeting Agenda can be viewed at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VbwocoEkSmOP0kqFMAC3xOZ2QkSt4y60NHfzx_4w3rA/edit?usp=sharing

Join Us May 11th for a Night of Fine Arts at our High School. 5:00 pm - Fine Arts featuring our 7th - 12th Grade Students' Art Work 6:30 pm - Dedication of the High School Art Room in honor of Artist Bruce Howdle Former IG Alumnus 7:00 pm - High School Band and Choir Concert

Mon. 5/9/22 thru Thurs. 5/12/22 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Fri. 5/13/22 2:00 - 6:30 PM
More dates and times to come depending on inventory!!
Inventory: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11RS5npxGqndWJhpUyfYUY1cW3hD5mY3Onwni8LtkdVg/edit?usp=sharing

Join Us May 11th for a Night of Fine Arts at our High School. 5:00 pm - Fine Arts featuring our 7th - 12th Grade Students' Art Work 6:30 pm - Dedication of the High School Art Room in honor of Artist Bruce Howdle Former IG Alumnus 7:00 pm - High School Band and Choir Concert

Mon. 5/9/22 thru Thurs. 5/12/22 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Fri. 5/13/22 2:00 - 6:30 PM
More dates and times to come depending on inventory!!
Inventory: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11RS5npxGqndWJhpUyfYUY1cW3hD5mY3Onwni8LtkdVg/edit?usp=sharing

The book, If I built a House, by Chris Van Dusen was the springboard for these creative designs made by students in the library today!

Join Us May 11th for a Night of Fine Arts at our High School. 5:00 pm - Fine Arts featuring our 7th - 12th Grade Students' Art Work 6:30 pm - Dedication of the High School Art Room in honor of Artist Bruce Howdle Former IG Alumnus 7:00 pm - High School Band and Choir Concert

Mon. 5/9/22 thru Thurs. 5/12/22 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Fri. 5/13/22 2:00 - 6:30 PM
More dates and times to come depending on inventory!!
Inventory: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11RS5npxGqndWJhpUyfYUY1cW3hD5mY3Onwni8LtkdVg/edit?usp=sharing

Monday night's Board Meeting Agenda can be viewed at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oR6jaLKMfjcaH5ISFYBX9YItINKSkT1OJgpm57yG7m0/edit?usp=sharing

Sun. 5/8/22 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Mon. 5/9/22 thru Thurs. 5/12/22 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Fri. 5/13/22 2:00 - 6:30 PM
More dates and times to come depending on inventory!!
Inventory: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11RS5npxGqndWJhpUyfYUY1cW3hD5mY3Onwni8LtkdVg/edit?usp=sharing

Sat. 5/7/22 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sun. 5/8/22 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Mon. 5/9/22 thru Thurs. 5/12/22 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Fri. 5/13/22 2:00 - 6:30 PM
More dates and times to come depending on inventory!!
Inventory: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11RS5npxGqndWJhpUyfYUY1cW3hD5mY3Onwni8LtkdVg/edit?usp=sharing

We celebrated the royalty of the kitchen here at IGEMS. Thank you ladies for always providing healthy meals for our students and staff.

On Friday, April 29, 2022, 1,232 FFA Members from across the state of Wisconsin came to UW-Madison to complete in 15 different Career Development Events (CDE’s). During CDE competitions, FFA members in grades 7 to 12 are challenged to develop critical thinking skills and effective decision-making skills, foster teamwork, and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and individual achievement. Most CDE teams consisted of 4 members who advanced through regional live and virtual competitions to be able to represent their FFA Chapter at the Wisconsin FFA CDE contest. This year, there were 331 total teams from over 140 schools competing this year.
The Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter placed 8th in the Dairy Cattle Evaluation CDE which included the top 21 teams in the state of Wisconsin. Members completed 2 placing classes, recited 2 sets of oral reasons, completed one Dairy Management Exam, and scored 2 pedigree classes. Team members include (from L-R) Evie W., Alexis T-B., Julia S., and Skyler A. Alexis T-B. placed 9th individually overall and was the highest scorer on the team. A special thank you to Laura Daniels for her support, guidance, and coaching of the Dairy Cattle Evaluation Team.
The Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter also had a team advance for the Wisconsin FFA State CDE Veterinary Science contest where they finished 9th out of the top 21 teams in Wisconsin. Members completed a written exam covering veterinary science and practices; identified 50 specimens of equipment, parasites, and/or breeds; completed a math problem practicum dealing with weights and dosage scenarios; and performed 3 live practicums such as filling a syringe, surgical site preparation, and haltering ruminants. Team members included (from L-R) Gracie S., Bekka S., Boden B., and Jalyssa C. A special thank you to Meghan Brokopp, DVM and Alycia Grenzow, CVT from the Montfort Veterinary Service, Inc. for their support, guidance, and coaching. The Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter is advised by Mrs. Lara Hammerly.