Congratulations to Zach K. and Reid L. for being on the 2021 WFCA All-Academic Team. Zach K. and Reid L. received 3.75 or higher cumulative GPA. They excelled not only on the field but most importantly, in the classroom!! Way to go fellas!!
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
Congratulations to these IG golfers on a good season. Not shown: Braiden H. , Payton S., and Cade K.
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
Three days of hard work and sweat for the Iowa-Grant Boys Basketball program. Thank you to Coach Gary Close and his staff for making our first camp a success. Go Panthers!
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
IG camp
IG camp
IG camp
IG camp
Iowa-Grant is offering Sports Physical days in July. All fall athletes need to have physical or alternate card paperwork loaded in PowerSchool or to the school office before August 1st.
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Linscheid, RN
Iowa-Grant is offering Sports Physical days in July.   All fall athletes need to have physical or alternate card paperwork loaded in PowerSchool or to the school office before August 1st.
Enjoy the June edition of the Panther Press!!
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
Mrs. Hammerly’s Wildlife and Natural Resources class got to finish the semester by creating their very own fishing pole! They each received a kit and had to work on their own following several steps to make a well engineered fishing pole. Great job to all the students. Happy fishing this summer!
almost 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Are you interested in signing your child up for summer school classes? There is still time! Click on the link to find out what classes are offered for your child's 2022-2023 grade level.
almost 3 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
Summer School
IGHS Cheerleader Coach Opening! Apply at
almost 3 years ago, Alisha Martin
Cheerleader Coach
IGHS has a Head Varsity Volleyball Coach opening! Apply at It's A Great Day To Be A Panther!!!!
almost 3 years ago, Alisha Martin
Varsity Volleyball Coach
IGEMS students were able to enjoy summer activities planned by student council. Thank you to all of the student council members, teachers, and staff that helped run stations last week. The students had an amazing day!
almost 3 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
Week of fun
week of fun
week of fun
week of fun
The last week of school is always filled with fun events at IGEMS. Check out the end of school year pep rally. After, IGEMS honored the 8th Grade Class of 2022 as they started their journey to High School.
almost 3 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
End of Year Pep Rally
End of year Pep Rally
End of Year Pep Rally
Congratulations to these individual IG track and field winners. All track and field athletes got recognized during their Awards Night last night! Winners: Mason A.- Best Teammate Skyler A.- Best Male Athlete Hope C.- Best Female Athlete Elizabeth V.- Best Teammate
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
It's a GREAT day to be a Panther at IGEMS! We enjoyed a morning of Fun in the Sun, a barrage of bubbles as the buses departed, and a final hug as Ms. Martinez' led our traditional Uffda to mark the end of the school year. Happy Summer, Panthers! We will see you again in September! #PantherProud
almost 3 years ago, Robyn Oberfoell
Friday (6/3) EARLY DISMISSAL at 11:00am! Have a safe and healthy summer, Panthers!
almost 3 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Friday (6/3) EARLY DISMISSAL at 11:00am! Have a safe and healthy summer, Panthers!
Friday (6/3) EARLY DISMISSAL at 11:00am! Have a safe and healthy summer, Panthers!
almost 3 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
11:00am DISMISSAL  Friday 6/3
A huge Thank You to the Iowa-Grant Educational Foundation for donating Iowa-Grant History books to our 2022 graduates and to the Class of 1972.
almost 3 years ago, Alisha Martin
When life gives you lemons... make lemonade! Kindergarten sampled lemonade, played lemon games and had some relay races.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Mayne Kindergarten
Lemonade centers
Lemonade centers
Lemonade centers
Lemonade centers
Medication Pick Up News
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Linscheid, RN
Medication Pick Up News
On May 24th the Coffee Cart Crew enjoyed a fabulous field trip to Badger Brothers Coffee in Platteville, WI. Hannah and Austin were gracious hosts providing our students with a tour of the coffee shop, a demonstration of how they roast and grind the beans, and then made beverages for each crew member!! We also returned to IGEMS with a free bag of Sunrise roast Badger Brothers Coffee to serve for our final Coffee Cart Friday, May 27th. Badger Brothers is a really special place committed to the local area!! Thank you so much for this learning opportunity!
almost 3 years ago, Beth McGehee
Fantastic Teachers!!
What do coffee beans look like? Where is coffee grown? We also learned about roasting and packaging the beans.
We were able to touch and smell the beans.
The new Mural outside of Badger Brothers Coffee
Reminder!!! Track and Field will be having Awards Night Thursday, June 2nd at 6:30 in the High School IMC.
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director