This spring, welding students made butterfly and bee stakes to sell at the annual greenhouse plant sale. They were a huge hit by customers and sold out quickly.
almost 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
This spring, the I-G FFA officer team was invited to a FFA Day Luncheon with the Dodgeville Kiwanis Club. FFA members got to mix and mingle with other area FFA officer teams and listen to the Wisconsin State FFA President, Ben Styer, share his message. What a great experience!
almost 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Our 2022 IGEMS Yearbooks Are Still Available! Pre-Ordered Yearbooks were sent home with IGEMS Students last week FRIDAY. If you did not pre-order, but would like one... please see the main office staff at IGEMS.
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
IGEMS Yearbook Informational Flyer
Congratulations to these volleyball ladies in achieving WVCA All-Academic for having a 3.50 gpa during the fall semester of 2021-22 season!! They excelled not only in the court but most importantly, in the classroom!! Congratulations to WVCA winners: Elizabeth V. Julia S. Jalyssa C. Makaya M. Elyse L. Amiah F. Lakyn H. Mckayla P. Jackie H.
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
Buy your Regional Champions Softball Apparel!!! Due Date: June 1st (12:00p) Get Your Panther Apparel Today!!
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
Announcing next year's IGHS Musical - Freaky Friday! We are excited to tackle a new musical based on the well known novel and films about a high school student and her mom switching bodies for a day. Cast auditions are open to all high school students. Mark your calendars for our shows on November 11 (7:00pm), November 12 (7:00pm), or November 13 (2:00pm)!
almost 3 years ago, Brian Zwick
Freaky Friday
Last week, the Agriculture Exploration course was busy practicing ear notching! Ear notching is a universal way to permanently mark and identify pigs in the swine industry.
almost 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Good luck to the #3 seed Iowa-Grant softball team, on their WIAA Division 4 Semi-Sectional game tonight @ #1 seed Boscobel. Admission cost $7.00 at the gate. Children 5 and under cost is $1.00. No passes available. Game time: 5:00p Winner plays vs. the winner of #2 Horicon or #8 Parkview @ Horicon on Thursday June 2nd. Go Panthers!!
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
These band students spent their morning adding music to ceremonies in Castle Rock, Livingston and Montfort. We hope you all take some time to reflect on our fallen heroes this Memorial Day.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Gile
band on Memorial Day
Agriculture students enjoyed getting dirty in the garden last week! They were busy planting tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and green beans. The garden is mulched, fertilized, and thriving! All community members are encouraged to enjoy the garden over the summer and harvest any fresh produce they wish. There is no cost! Come when you can, share with your neighbors, and enjoy the produce from the I-G FFA and Ag Department. Special thank you to Steve Jones for donating his time and equipment to till the community garden.
almost 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Food science students got to make homemade rhubarb crisp and rhubarb coffee cake from the rhubarb plants the Ag department planted this spring! Yum! Students had to evaluate their cooking and reflect on the lab.
almost 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Greenhouse students worked hard this week cleaning and sanitizing trays and supplies to be reused next year for the Iowa-Grant FFA Greenhouse. Thank you to everyone who supported our sale this school year!
almost 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Congratulations to the Class of 2022! A Future So Bright They Got To Wear Shades! Thank you to Community First Bank for the sunglasses!
almost 3 years ago, Alisha Martin
Class of 2022
Agriculture students are working on a landscaping project at Hazel Dell, which is located across from the Iowa-Grant High School. The ag department received a $250 grant from the Iowa-Grant Educational Foundation to help offset the cost of the project. This year they are landscaping the south and east side of the school. Next year they hope to complete the west and north side of the school. Stay tuned for the finished pictures coming next week!!
almost 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
The 5th graders had their egg drop today! Congratulations to Brynn M. and Kahm J. on their surviving egg. Also, congratulations to our GRAND CHAMPIONS Isaiah H. and Owen M. their egg survived and they “spent” the least amount on materials.
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
Teacher sitting up high dropping the eggs
Students checking out the egg experiment
Students checking out the egg experiment
Students checking out the egg experiment
Didn't get an IGEMS yearbook?
almost 3 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Didn't get an IGEMS yearbook?
Mrs. Bindl's physical science classes competed to see who could build the device that could fall the slowest. The devices with higher surface areas competed the best as they experienced more air resistance.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Bindl
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. -Winnie the Pooh Congratulations class of 2034 on your Kindergarten graduation. You will do great things!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Mayne Kindergarten
Kindergarten graduation
Kindergarten graduation
Kindergarten graduation
Kindergarten graduation
Congratulations to Bentley and Makayla for receiving Softball SWAL 2022 All-Conference Honors! Way to go!!
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director
Congratulations to Indigo K., Lily P., and Evie W. for receiving Softball 2022 SWAL All-Conference Honorable Mention Honors.
almost 3 years ago, Activities Director