Thank you to the parents of all student-athletes who tirelessly support their children at home, in the classroom and on the court/field! I-G gives you thanks! #IGPantherPride
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Last night, all the students in the cast for the 2022 Musical, Freaky Friday, met with the pit orchestra to run through all our music for the first time together. Our stage crew was also hard at work painting the set. In just a week and a half, you'll get your chance to see the show for yourself!
over 2 years ago, Brian Zwick
Crew Set Painting
Cast Rehearsal
Cast Rehearsal
Crew Set Painting
4th, 5th & 6th Grade ART CLUB Meeting Dates: Monday, November 28th Monday, December 19th Monday, January 23rd Monday, February 20th 3:30-5:00 PM
over 2 years ago, Alexis Stevens
Art Club Meeting Dates
Fall Cheer Senior Spotlight - Caitlyn
over 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
Caitlyn Senior Spotlight
🧾🐾The November edition of the Panther Press can be viewed at
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
The IGHS Student Council and LEO Club is hosting a Blood Drive on Monday, November 7th from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. All presenting donors will get a T-Shirt and a $10 e-gift card of your choice. Please call 1-800 RED CROSS or visit to sign up. Give Something That Means Something!
over 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
IGHS Blood Drive
Volleyball Senior Spotlight - Cameron
over 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
Cameron S Senior Spotlight
It would make a good Holiday gift!! IG Letter Jackets!! If your son/daughter lettered! Order your jacket below…
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Second Chance!! It's getting to be that time of year to start thinking about Iowa-Grant Girls Basketball clothing! Click on the link below to enter Iowa-Grant Girls Basketball clothing store. Clothing store closed November 4!!!! Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Cross Country Senior Spotlight - Caden
over 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
Caden P
Football Senior Spotlight - Blake
over 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
Blake R
During the month of November, we give thanks to all those who have an impact on Iowa-Grant High School & help make our community strong. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful people in our great state! #IGPantherPride
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
LAST CHANCE!!!! Iowa-Grant FFA Fruit Sale Orders are due this Friday to Mrs. Hammerly! Please order from an FFA member or reach out to Lara Hammerly at to place your order today! Orders will be delivered the first week of December. All proceeds help fund the various FFA events, community service projects, and leadership conferences and conventions that the students participate in each year. Thank you for your continued support!
over 2 years ago, Lara Hammerly
Football Senior Spotlight - Braiden
over 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
Braiden H S- Senior Spotlight
Football Senior Athlete Spotlight - Alex
over 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
Alex S FB
The Music Department is looking to sell quite a few more pasties within the next few days! If you or anyone else you know is looking for pasties, please have them contact Mrs. Gile by email at The price is $10 each and all will be made WITH onions this year. All sales need to be paid in advance (cash or checks written to Iowa Grant Music Parents and dropped off in the HS office- please be sure you have it labeled with your name). Pasties MUST be picked up on the afternoon of November 5th from the IGEMS cafeteria.
over 2 years ago, Heather Gile
Are you a 2022 Fall Sports student-athlete? Or are a parent/guardian whose child was in 2022 Fall Sports at Iowa-Grant? Complete the 2022 Fall Sports Survey. Your anonymous responses are confidential and will be used to improve our IG fall sports programs. Fill out the form below, we want your feedback!!!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Tickets for Saturday's WIAA State Cross Country Meet in Wisconsin Rapids are on sale! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ *All tickets must be purchased online & redeemed onsite on a mobile device. There will be no cash sales. 🎟📲 BUY TICKETS ➡️ DIGITAL TICKETING FAQ ➡️
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Day four of the 95th National FFA Convention: Iowa-Grant FFA members spent the whole day at the 95th National FFA Convention. They attended a variety of workshops, explored the career fair and expo, and went to the Lucas Oil Stadium for the 5th General Session!
over 2 years ago, Lara Hammerly