While learning about Cells, Biology students were able to use a candy model to illustrate the organelles within an animal and a plant cell.

2022 Iowa-Grant Football All-Conference Award Winners


Last night, the Iowa-Grant football program held its yearly end-of-the-season banquet. Players were recognized for their achievements during the season, hard work during the off-season, and dedication to the program. Thank you to all who attended the banquet, the players for their commitment to building a better program, and those who supported the IG football program throughout the season!

Cross Country Senior Spotlight - Mason

Shoutout to the Iowa-Grant Booster Club for their countless hours of volunteerism and support for I-G athletics. These hard working people provide so many awesome opportunities for our I-G teams and athletes! Thanks for all you do! #IGPantherPride

The high school music students (and some of their awesome adults) had a successful day of pasty making on Saturday! If you are interested in any frozen pasties or pie crusts, please contact Mrs. Gile (hgile@igs.k12.wi.us) to order and arrange a pickup.

Fall Cheer Senior Spotlight - Leslie

Fall Cheer Senior Spotlight - Kenadie

Volleyball Senior Spotlight - Julia

Freaky Friday is only four days away! Come see IG's High School musical on Friday at 7:00, Saturday at 7:00, or Sunday at 2:00. Tickets are $5 per person. You can buy your tickets online at https://www.schoolpay.com/, or at the door!

Mrs. Kramer’s high school students took a fun Fall trip to Vesperman Farms - lots of activities to enjoy!

IGEMS students were awarded Community Awards for Excellent Classroom Citizenship. One lucky winner was able to pie the Principal.

Volleyball Senior Spotlight - Jalyssa

Fall Cheer Senior Spotlight - Ivy

Cross Country Senior Spotlight - Hope

On Thursday, November 3rd, IGEMS students had the opportunity to visit Shake Rag Alley in Mineral Point. The day included a meeting with artists Katie and Joelle White at their ceramic studio and a choice of classes. Alex created a beautiful Elgin Twig Mosaic. Breanna, Riley, Hannah, Joslyn and Mackenzie each made a one of a kind leather bracelet trio.

Football Senior Spotlight - Hudson

REMINDER: NOON Release tomorrow Friday November 4th!

Volleyball Senior Spotlight - Elizabeth