3rd-8th Grade Summer Rec. will not be able to accept any more late registrations after 5 pm on April 5th. Please go to the Summer Rec. page for the link. T-ball and Coach Pitch (grades 4K-2nd)registration will still be open until Friday, April 7th.
over 1 year ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant/Recept.
Iowa-Grant FFA members participated in a variety of Career Development Event (CDE) Contests on March 16 at UW-Platteville! The Veterinary Science Team and Dairy Cattle Evaluation Team are headed to the STATE CONTEST on April 27th! Congratulations to all and good luck to the two advancing teams!
over 1 year ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Iowa-Grant Track & Field Results from April 3rd. Congratulations Panthers.
over 1 year ago, Amanda Linscheid
Iowa-Grant Track & Field Results from April 3rd.  Congratulations Panthers.
IG in Action Tonight Tuesday 4/4
over 1 year ago, Amanda Linscheid
IG in Action Tonight Tuesday 4/4
Did you miss the registration deadline for Iowa-Grant Tball and Coach Pitch? Don't worry, we are extending the deadline to Friday, April. 7th. Please click on the link below if you are interested in registering your 4K-2nd grade child. https://forms.gle/YGMZc55Qxc9oup7t5
over 1 year ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant/Recept.
Congratulations! Jaxon B. and Hunter S. on being named 2023 1st Team Academic All-State by the Wisconsin Wrestling Coaches Association.
over 1 year ago, Amanda Linscheid
Congratulations!   Jaxon B. and Hunter S. on being named to 2023 1st Team Academic All-State by the Wisconsin Wrestling Coaches Association.
In one more month, these are going to be even more beautiful! Iowa-Grant FFA Spring Plant Sale Thur. 5/4/23 - 3:00 - 6:30 PM - OPENING DAY!! Fri. 5/5/23 - 3:00 - 6:30 PM Sat. 5/6/23 - 8:00 AM - Noon Sun. 5/7/23 - CLOSED Mon. 5/8/23 thru Fri. 5/12/23 - 3:00 - 6:30 PM Sat. 5/13/23 - 8:00 AM - Noon More dates and times to come depending on inventory!! Check here for more details: https://fb.me/e/rJl4GT2mM?mibextid=RQdjqZ
over 1 year ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Many of our Band and Choir students spent their first day of Spring Break at Solo & Ensemble! 33 students performed in 37 vocal and instrumental events. Out of all those events, 4 vocal events and 1 instrumental event qualified for the State Festival at the end of the month. Congratulations to all who participated!
over 1 year ago, Brian Zwick
Brass Choir
Vocal Trio
Saxophone Choir
Misc. Vocal Ensemble
Vocal Duet
IG Spring Sports Action, Tonight, Monday 4-3
over 1 year ago, Amanda Linscheid
Sports Action Today 4/3
The Dodgeville High School and the Iowa Co Substance Misuse Prevention committee are bringing in Tony Hoffman on April 19th, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. to speak about substance use, addiction, recovery, and beyond. The event starts at 4:30 p.m. with resources from professionals who provide services in the area. Tony is an author, an owner of pH Wellness drug and alcohol treatment facility, and one of the world's most requested mental health and substance use speakers. The event is located at Dodgeville Highschool.
over 1 year ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant/Recept.
Tony Hoffman
8th Grade Parents and Families mark your calendars!
over 1 year ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant/Recept.
8th grade promotion
The Varsity Baseball game vs North Crawford @ Livingston and the JV/Varsity Softball games @ Pecatonica have all been canceled for tonight - 3/31. Have a great weekend! Go Panthers!
over 1 year ago, Alisha Martin
Canceled Games
IGHS Baseball Announcement - Location change for 3/30 game against Belmont. Game will now be played at the Livingston Baseball Field. Go Panthers!!!
over 1 year ago, Alisha Martin
Location Change
Spring has Sprung in the Iowa-Grant FFA Greenhouse!! Greenhouse sale dates and times coming soon.....STAY TUNED!! 200 beautiful hanging baskets, 75 premade deck pots, and a variety of flowers and vegetables will be for sale in May. All proceeds help fund the Iowa-Grant FFA Program and Ag Department.
over 1 year ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
FYI ~ Date Change!! Thursday's Softball game (3/30) vs. Wisconsin Heights has been changed to TOMORROW, Tuesday the 28th. Varsity will play at 4:30 pm and JV will play after the VS (approximately 6:00 pm) at Cobb. Go Panthers!
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Dirks
More FFA Petting Zoo fun!
almost 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
In honor of National Ag Week, the Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter hosted their annual petting zoo for the elementary students! They also asked trivia questions and gave out FREE Tattoos!
almost 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
To celebrate National Ag Day on Tuesday, March 21, the Iowa-Grant FFA Officer team made a hot breakfast for the high school staff before school. They served up pancakes, egg casserole, sausage, bacon, cheese, and fruit salad!
almost 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
The 4K students LOVED the FFA petting zoo!
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Sander
Long horn
child petting an animal
child petting an animal
child petting an animal
Petting a lamb
Brother/sister with their cow!
Children petting a goat
Celebrating IGHS Staff! Thank you for all you do! #gopanthers!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Alisha Martin
Mr. Winkler