Good luck to the IG Football team TONIGHT, as they start their season with a scrimmage @ Dodgeville. Start time is 5:00p. Go Panthers!! Information on scrimmage is below:
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Are you looking for IG yearbook ordering information? Please click the link below to be added to a Jostens mailing list. You will receive an email when IG yearbooks are available for pre-order. Deadline is September. 16th, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
The Iowa-Grant High School Cross Country season begins MONDAY, with practices held at 7:30 am at the high school. We pride ourselves in creating a positive team atmosphere where all levels of running experience are welcome! Reminder all Forms and a Physical needs to be complete prior to playing! If you are interested in joining the team or learning more about this sport, please contact Coach Winkler.
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
High School Volleyball starting on Monday! Tryouts are at 4:00p in the IGEMS gym. All athletic paperwork must be in before practice. Parents meeting to follow at 6:15pm! Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Summer school students used ziplock piping bags filled with frosting and steady hands to decorate cookies and cupcakes. Mini marshmallows and sprinkles were cut in half to create flowers. Orange frosting and spooky decorations made cupcake monsters fun to create.
over 2 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
Summer school baking friends finished their cake pops on Wednesday! Yum Yum.
over 2 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
Cake Pops
Cake Pops
Cake Pops
Cake Pop
Ready, Set, Dessert!!!! Check out what the summer school students are baking up! Twinkie Cake Cups and Energy Bites are on the menu.
over 2 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
So many things to see under the sea! First and second graders have been exploring the different levels of the ocean and some of the animals that live at each level. Some of the animals we have learned about the last two days include: the pufferfish, the jellyfish, the clownfish, the blobfish and the anglerfish. We also spent some time talking about coral reefs and what we can do to make sure they are restored and thriving!
over 2 years ago, Britany Lynch
Layers of the ocean floor
Jellyfish project
Pufferfish project
Middle School parents and students, grades 5th-8th. Please join Mrs. Gallagher for a brief meeting on August 25th at 7pm.
over 2 years ago, Christi Kennicker IGEMS Clerical Assistant
Middle School
Good luck to the IG Football team Friday, as they start their season with a scrimmage @ Dodgeville. Start time is 5:00p. Go Panthers!! Information on scrimmage is below:
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
Students entering 6th grade need a dose of the Tdap vaccine or a waiver on file at school before the start of the school year. The waiver can be found at:
over 2 years ago, Amanda Linscheid, RN
Students entering 6th grade need a dose of the Tdap vaccine or a waiver on file at school before the start of the school year.   The waiver can be found at:
Do you need help with the online registration process? Join us today from 12-7pm at IGEMS for registration help. District wide registration help will be held at IGEMS, enter in through door 11 and follow the signs.
over 2 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Online Registration Help Day!
History of “The Milk Can” Football Game Fennimore Golden Eagles vs. Iowa-Grant Panthers “The Milk Can” Game All-Time Record: Iowa-Grant 33 Fennimore 18 Next Game: 52nd Annual - 8/19/22 - Week 1- Fennimore @ Iowa-Grant 7:00p (Non-Conference Game) History of the “The Milk Can” Game The battle for the "can" started in 1970 and the Golden Eagles claimed it first with a 28-0 win. How did this all come about? It all started in 1955 when two young men returned from the military and enrolled at UW-Platteville. Larry Thurston and Jim Piquette fought in the Korean War, Thurston as a member of the U.S. Army and Piquette as a U.S. Marine. While they were attending college for the education, they were also there to pursue their The two men met at the first day of practice for the Pioneers in August and from that day forward they were best friends. After graduation they went their separate ways and both landed jobs as teachers and coaches. In the late 1960s Thurston was named head football coach at Fennimore and about the same time Piquette was given the same position at Iowa-Grant. They both met up at numerous coaching clinics where they begged, borrowed or stole any ideas that might help their programs. It was at one of the clinics that they decided if their teams were going to play each other, they might as well play for something. That something was determined to be..."The Milk Can." Because a silver milk can is not a thing of beauty, they decided a little paint would help. One side is painted red and black for Iowa-Grant and the other maroon and gold for Fennimore. After each game, the year and score of the game is painted on the can. “The Milk Can” Game All-Time Record: Iowa-Grant 33 Fennimore 18 Courtesy: The Dodgeville Chronicle History of the “The Milk Can” Game Scores 52nd annual 2022- 8/19/22 - Week 1- Fennimore @ Iowa-Grant 7:00p 51st annual 2021- Fennimore Won 47-0 2020- No Game Due to COVID-19 50th annual in 2019- Fennimore Won 36-8 49th annual in 2018- Fennimore Won 35-0 48th annual in 2017- Fennimore Won 28-8 47th annual in 2016- Fennimore Won 13-6 46th annual in 2015- I-G Won 22-12 45th annual in 2014- I-G Won 31-21 44th annual in 2013- I-G Won 27-7 43rd annual in 2012- I-G Won 42-21 42nd annual in 2011- I-G Won 20-0 41st annual in 2010- I-G Won 25-13 40th annual in 2009- I-G Won 24-0 39th annual in 2008- Fennimore Won 51-19 38th annual in 2007- Fennimore Won 33-9 37th annual in 2006- I-G Won 23-21 36th annual in 2005- Fennimore Won 18-0 35th annual in 2004- I-G Won 27-17 34th annual in 2003- Fennimore Won 21-20 33rd annual in 2002- Fennimore Won 28-14 32nd annual in 2001- Fennimore Won 41-36 31st annual in 2000- Fennimore Won 13-12 30th annual in 1999- Fennimore Won 22-12 29th annual in 1998- Fennimore Won 22-13 28th annual in 1997- I-G Won 17-7 27th annual in 1996- I-G Won 37-7 26th annual in 1995- I-G Won 32-6 25th annual in 1994- Fennimore Won 33-0 24th annual in 1993- I-G Won 35-0 23rd annual in 1992- Fennimore Won 28-9 22nd annual in 1991- I-G Won 24-14 21st annual in 1990- I-G Won 20-18 20th annual in 1989- I-G Won 48-6 19th annual in 1988- I-G Won 42-6 18th annual in 1987- I-G Won 28-0 17th annual in 1986- I-G Won 26-7 16th annual in 1985- Fennimore Won 7-6 15th annual in 1984- I-G Won 13-0 14th annual in 1983- I-G Won 3-0 13th annual in 1982- I-G Won 13-12 12th annual in 1981- I-G Won 12-0 11th annual in 1980- I-G Won 13-0 10th annual in 1979- I-G Won 35-6 9th annual in 1978- I-G Won 8-0 8th annual in 1977- I-G Won 22-0 7th annual in 1976- I-G Won 13-0 6th annual in 1975- I-G Won 25-0 5th annual in 1974- I-G Won 12-0 4th annual in 1973- I-G Won 26-0 3rd annual in 1972- I-G Won 20-14 2nd annual in 1971- I-G Won 7-0 1st annual in 1970- Fennimore Won 28-0
over 2 years ago, Activities Director
IG milk can
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
Julia Searls had a very successful Wisconsin State Fair placing 2nd with her Fall Yearling, Bailee (out of 17), 8th with her Red and White Winter Calf, Holiday (out of 36), and 7th in her age group for showmanship (out of about 60). While at state fair, Julia was awarded the James Crowley Dairy Leadership Award. Julia applied months ago after being nominated from Iowa County. She was then selected for an in-person interview while she was at the state fair. Fifteen youth from across the state receive the distinction, and 4 receive scholarships. Julia was awarded the top scholarship, the Al Shultz scholarship of $5000 in addition to her Crowley Honor. CONGRATULATIONS, JULIA!!!!
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Congratulations to Alexis TB. on her accomplishments at the 2022 Wisconsin State Fair!! “On Thursday, I started out the week with showmanship by winning my age division and also being named 5th Overall Supreme Dairy Exhibitor out of over 300 exhibitors. My cow, Skyla, was showed on Friday morning and in addition to winning her class she was named Honorable Mention Grand Champion Brown Swiss and Grand Champion Bred and Owned Brown Swiss Cow. She then went on to be named 5th Overall Supreme Bred and Owned Cow. My fall heifer calf, Flora, was 10th in her class and 2nd bred and owned, and my spring yearling, Sol, was 3rd in her class and 2nd bred and owned as well. It was such an amazing week!” - Alexis TB.
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
A few more farm visits took place during July! Kaycee L. will be a Sophomore this fall and FFA Officer. Kaycee stays busy year-round showing at State and National beef shows. She has a passion for nutrition and cares for her animals each and every day. Kaycee will be showing at the Wisconsin State Fair next week! Alexis TB. will be a Senior this Fall and will serve as the FFA Secretary. Alexis stays busy showing at several shows throughout the summer and has had great luck in showmanship! You can find Alexis this week at the Wisconsin State Fair. Bekka S. will be a Senior this fall and will serve as the chapter Vice-President. Bekka works on her family farm each day caring for a wide range of livestock. Throughout the summer, you will find Bekka at a rodeo almost every weekend competing. Laighton S. will be a Senior this fall and has been an active FFA member. Laighton enjoys Ag mechanics and loves problem solving when it come to restoring older tractors. Laighton hopes to further his education in ag mechanics after high school and also wants to learn more about genetics to improve and grow his beef herd.
over 2 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
😎Smile Panthers!! 😎If shopping on Amazon, please use and a percentage of eligible purchases will go to the Iowa-Grant School District.
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
PICTURE DAY TODAY!! Picture day is happening today from 12:00-6:00pm and on August 25th from 4:00-7:00pm. Come on out today to get school pictures taken at IGEMS! Enter in door 11 (cafeteria doors) and pictures are being taken in the cafeteria.
over 2 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Picture Day Today!
PICTURE DAY TODAY!!! Picture day is happening today from 12-6 pm and on August 25th from 4:00-7:00. Come on out today to get school pictures taken at IGEMS! Enter in door 11 (cafeteria doors) and pictures are being taken in the cafeteria area.
over 2 years ago, Danielle Hasburgh
Picture Day Today!