Lara Hammerly, the agricultural educator at Iowa-Grant High School, has been honored with the Section 4 Teacher Turn the Key Award from the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators (WAAE). Hammerly was presented this honor at the WAAE Professional Development Conference held in La Crosse, Wis. from June 27-30, 2021. The Teacher Turn the Key Award is given to an agricultural educator in their first years of teaching. Its goal is to encourage early-career agricultural educators to become involved with their professional association on a national level. WAAE is the professional association for agricultural educators in Wisconsin. Members include 410 middle school, high school, technical college and university educators. The focus of the association is to provide professional development, legislative support and educational resources for teachers to enhance their local agriculture education programs.
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
2022 Ms. Hammerly
Track and Field awards night was last night. It turned out to be a success. Congratulations Seniors And Nick C. and Hope C. for receiving Best Teammate Award.
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
2021 seniors at awards night
2021 best teammate award
2021 best teammate  award
The July Edition of the Panther Press is available at
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
2021 Iowa-Grant Regional Champions Softball Apparel is for sale. Deadline July 6th, 2021. Order on the website below. Get your 2021 Iowa-Grant Softball Regional Champions swag now!!!
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
Iowa-Grant Track and Field Awards Night will be held on Wednesday, June 30th at 7:00 PM in the IGHS IMC.
over 3 years ago, Alisha Martin
The Iowa-Grant Board Meeting Agenda for June 28th is linked at
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
This week Mrs. Hammerly visited the 2021-2022 Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter President, Bekka S., on her farm. Bekka lives on a 10 acre farm which is filled with mostly horses and cattle. She is very active on her family farm by helping with chores morning and night. Her family feeds and cares for 250 head of cattle during the fall, winter, and spring months. They also have horses that they use for rodeo along with puppies, goats, ponies, and donkeys.
over 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Mrs. Hammerly got to meet Charles S. during his farm visit. Charles will be a Freshman in the Fall and is looking forward to Ag Classes and joining the Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter. The Straka Family Farm raises hens, meat chickens (summer only) and beef. They are licensed to sell their eggs and beef off the farm and their chickens on the farm. They process their own chickens each summer for their own needs and sell to selected buyers. Their laying hens are pasture raised, and the meat chickens are raised in open air. Their beef are born and raised on the farm without any use of hormone implants, antibiotics or medicated feed. They also have two large gardens for their fresh and preservation needs. They sell extra produce at the farmers market in Platteville!
over 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Today Nick’s impressive Iowa-Grant career comes to an end. Nick C. finished in 4th place, earning his spot on the podium today in the 3200m run at UW-LaCrosse. Nick finished with a time of 10:06. Congratulations! Players and Coaches, A special thank-you to your commitment to I-G athletics.
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
2021 Nick C
2021 State Track
2021 state track
2021 Podium IG
Let's go camping and have s'more fun! This week during summer school we did just that. We pitched a tent (without the teachers help!), made smores, made a tent out of food, read camping stories, painted with mud, and went on a nature scavenger hunt. It was fun week!
over 3 years ago, Heather Mayne Kindergarten
Setting up a tent
smore time
nature scavenger hunt
mud painting
Nick C. runs his final 3200m run today. He should be running around 2:00p. Run for the ages! Go Nick!! The 2021 Track & Field Championships begin today, with D3 taking over the red track on day 1! 🏃‍♀️🏃 #wiaatrack 💻LIVE STREAM ➡️ ⏱LIVE RESULTS ➡️ 👕APPAREL STORE ➡️ 📖PROGRAM ➡️
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
2021 Nick C.
2021 sectional champ
2021 Nick C.
2021 Nick C.
This one hurts. 😞 Congratulations to a good season Lady Panthers, as they fell short tonight vs. Juda/Argyle in the Sectional Finals, 1-0. Thank you Seniors for giving your best!!
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
2021 softball seniors
Sectional Finals TODAY with Iowa-Grant vs. Juda/Albany @ Boscobel. 5:00p Good luck Ladies!! It will be broadcasted on 93.7 FM radio station.
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
2021 lady sectionals
The Nick C. send off for State Track and Field will be at 7:30am TOMORROW!!! (6/23/21) Nick C. send off will be at the high school parking lot!! Come show your support. Good luck Nick C. on your final 3200m run!! Run it for the ages!!! Nick plans to race approximately at 2:00p at UW-LaCrosse, Veterans Memorial Sports Complex. Meet will be live streamed on MEET LIVE ON WIAA.TV: The live stream of the State Meet will be produced by Rush Media on the WIAA.TV portal of the NFHS Network. To purchase a subscription to the live programming, log-on to and click on the subscription image on the home page.
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
2021 State Track- Nick C.
HAPPY WEDNESDAY PANTHER ARTISTS! In the final weeks of school, our Kindergarten thru 6th Grade panther artists created bookmarks to be sent to the Allen-Dietzman Public Library, the Montfort Public Library, and the Cobb Public Library. These bookmarks are to show our appreciation and gratitude to our communities that helped support us during this past school year, and even from the tail end of the one before! These bookmarks will be dropped off TWICE a month, on Wednesdays, so more artwork will appear as the summer goes on. Mrs. Carlson has also put her own bookmarks in - keep an eye out! Thank you for everything, Panther Nation, and read on!
over 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant School District
Picture of Mrs. Carlson in front of the book drop box.
Picture of the Cobb Public Library Sign
Picture of Ms. Flannagan at the library.
Picture of the outside of the library.
Congratulations to the I-G girls softball team on their 2-0 win over Boscobel tonight! Next game: Sectional Finals- #4 ranked Juda/Albany vs. #3 ranked Iowa-Grant @ Boscobel on Wednesday June 23rd at 5:00p. Winner gets a trip to state @ UW-Green Bay. You can do it Lady Panthers! We are all behind you! $7 tickets. Tickets will be sold at the gate. Go Panthers!!
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
IG Logo
Today (6/21) is Game Day!! Good luck to the varsity girls IG Softball team, as they play Semi-Sectionals TODAY. I-G @ Boscobel 5:00p. Winner tonight plays on Wednesday (6/23) @ Boscobel vs. the winner of Juda/Albany and Johnson Creek for a trip to state! Go Lady Panthers!!
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
2021 Sectionals IG Lady Panthers
Track and Field State Tickets Below is a link to state track and field general admission tickets. There are only 500 available. General admission tickets will go on sale on Tuesday morning at 8:00 AM. Cost is $11. Track and Field General Admission Ticket Website: Nick runs on Thursday 6/24/21. Softball Semi-Sectional Tickets General admission tickets for semi-sectionals softball Iowa-Grant @ Boscobel 5:00p for Tomorrow, Monday 6/21/21, will be purchased at the gate ONLY. Cost $6 Go Panthers!!!
over 3 years ago, Activities Director
IG logo
FFA members, Jalyssa C. and Bekka S., helped the Grant County Cattlemen with two Steak Sandwich Fundraisers this past week. The money raised goes to the Grant County Cattlemen and helps fund scholarships for graduating seniors. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the cause!
over 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
serving food
food stand