D/MP/IG Stste Gymnastics Message from Coach Julia: What an amazing journey we've been on with this team! Through the ups and downs, one thing has always remained consistent - the bond ❤ The love and respect this team has for one another is inspiring. The friendships they've formed, and the memories they've made will last a lifetime. At the end of it all, isn't that what high school athletics is about? Hardwork, drive, discipline, and success - yes - but memories and friendship to cherish forever! I'm glad we had the opportunity to extend our season through the state competition and have these memories to reflect back on when we're feeling nostalgic. Congratulations girls, on your trip to state and your 9th place finish! Your determination never ceases to amaze me! Pictures Courtesy: Coach Julia
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
state gyms
state gym
state gym
EXTENDED UNTIL 3/ 7. Iowa-Grant Softball Apparel Store. Find items that is picked out specifically for IG softball. There is also spirit wear available for your family and friends. Check out the shop details below. OUR SHOP DETAILS - Shop Now: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/AzQfcFhuwL - Store Open From: February 24 - March 7, 2022
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
GAME DAY!! Go Panthers!! Live Stream: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfdoal9yZMXkya20AUa2eAQ
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
The Fitz Family loves to read, especially during Read Across America week!📚 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq_Jtyu8ZzM&t=5s
about 3 years ago, Stephanie Dirks
LAST CALL!!! Get your Iowa-Grant FFA Attire before it is too late! https://iowagrantffa22.itemorder.com/ ORDERS DUE: TONIGHT (11:59 PM CST)
about 3 years ago, Lara Hammerly
LAST CALL!!! Get your Iowa-Grant FFA Attire before it is too late! https://iowagrantffa22.itemorder.com/ ORDERS DUE: TONIGHT (11:59 PM CST)
about 3 years ago, Lara Hammerly
Staff spotlight day 33- Mrs. Rogstad.
about 3 years ago, Heather Gile
Mrs. Rogstad
State D/MP/IG Gymnastics Today!! Start time: 1:00p Live Stream: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/wiaa-wi
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
Just making some Homemade Ice Cream on the last day of Agriculture Exploration with Mrs. Hammerly’s first group of 8th Grader.
about 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA
Information on State Gymnastics is below: Congratulations D/MP/IG Gymnastics for qualifying for the Division 2- WIAA State Gymnastics Meet! Division 2- WIAA State Gymnastics Meet is on March 4th, 2022 @ Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School in Wisconsin Rapids, WI NEW this year, all tickets will be purchased in advance through our digital ticketing partner GoFan. TICKETS ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE & MUST BE REDEEMED ON A MOBILE DEVICE. CHILDREN TWO AND UNDER DO NOT REQUIRE A TICKET How to purchase Gymnastics State Tickets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkZqTY5d6Bg GoFan FAQ & Questions: https://docs.google.com/.../2PACX.../pub... Accessing and Sharing Tickets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Xhso4QobA PURCHASE TICKETS BELOW: https://gofan.co/app/school/WIAA2
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
The Iowa-Grant Booster Club Is At It Again!! Ms. Audra Kuhls is gracious enough to represent the Iowa-Grant Booster Club, by delivering Head Coach Zach Raimer a $2,350.00 check to the Iowa-Grant Football Team. This donation will be used to purchase a new Hi-Pod Endzone Camera. This wish list item is now going to be a reality. Thank you Iowa-Grant Booster Club for your never ending support of the Iowa-Grant School District. We are grateful to have you!! Iowa-Grant Booster Club is looking for new members. If you want to make a positive impact for I-G, please contact the Iowa-Grant Booster Club to get involved. #IGPantherPride Email: iowagrantboosterclub@gmail.com
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
Iowa-Grant Booster Club
Day 32 of staff highlights-- this is Mrs. Sporle!
about 3 years ago, Heather Gile
Mrs. Sporle
Go Panthers! As a team…Work. Battle. Succeed.
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
round 2
LAST CALL!! Iowa-Grant Softball Apparel Store!! Find items that are picked out specifically for the IG Softball team. There is also spiritwear available for your family and friends. Check out the shop details below. OUR SHOP DETAILS - Shop Now: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/AzQfcFhuwL - Store Open From: February 24 - March 3, 2022
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
Thing 1 and Thing 2 were so naughty today, they ended up in the Superintendent's Office! They promised to behave better next year. I guess we'll have to wait and see. :)
about 3 years ago, Robyn Oberfoell
If you haven't seen this man in the classroom, you probably have seen him on the football field. Staff feature #31 is Mr. Raimer.
about 3 years ago, Heather Gile
Mr. Raimer
Summer Rec coaches, umps, and volunteers - join us tomorrow evening!
about 3 years ago, Robyn Oberfoell
Congratulations D/MP/IG Gymnastics for qualifying for the Division 2- WIAA State Gymnastics Meet! Division 2- WIAA State Gymnastics Meet is on March 4th, 2022 @ Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School in Wisconsin Rapids, WI NEW this year, all tickets will be purchased in advance through our digital ticketing partner GoFan. TICKETS ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE & MUST BE REDEEMED ON A MOBILE DEVICE. CHILDREN TWO AND UNDER DO NOT REQUIRE A TICKET How to purchase Gymnastics State Tickets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkZqTY5d6Bg GoFan FAQ & Questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQMsSlBtvu5LIQX9v4KAW0kr7DYkTkvz-xS4b_sS1wYV-Vg93GP2BqyD3DWP6ydGOzvwl_AY7_2a0q4/pub?urp=gmail_link Accessing and Sharing Tickets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Xhso4QobA PURCHASE TICKETS BELOW: https://gofan.co/app/school/WIAA2
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
Boys Basketball Wins @ Cashton tonight!!! WIAA 2nd Round Regional will be on Friday March 4 at 7:00p Vs Cuba City. Way to go Panthers!!
about 3 years ago, Activities Director
Thank you to all of the High School students and staff who participated in the corn and soybean guessing contest for FFA Week. There were 2,180 corn kernels and 2,083 soy beans in the jars. Congratulations to Graham M. who won the corn contest with a guess of 2,000 and Harrison W. who won the soybean contest with a guess of 2,079.
about 3 years ago, Iowa-Grant FFA